Downward dogs or not, we ought to lighten up our meals. As in, no cream, no cheese, less oil, less fat.
2 Minutes
Lightly rinse 1 cup of white rice. Drain off the water. Add 1.5 cups water to the rice in a small non-stick saucepan. Put the lid on, bring to a boil then simmer for 12 minutes.
2 Minutes
Finely slice a medium red onion. Push to one corner of the chopping board. Do the same for a large tomato.
8-10 Minutes
Drizzle light olive oil in a large sauté pan. Sweat the onions, then add the tomatoes. When the tomatoes have softened, add the sardines along with the tomato sauce. Reduce the heat if the sauce starts to splatter.
Using the can, measure half a can of water to add to the sardines. Add two tablespoons of tomato sauce (ketchup), one tablespoon of sugar, and juice of half a lemon. Stir gently to mix. Scoop up the sardines to place on a deep plate, then pour the sauce all over. Garnish with some spring onions if you wish.
The rice should be ready now. Remove the lid and fluff the rice before serving.
P.S. If you want to make this even more Malaysian, quarter a cucumber lengthwise, slice off the seeds, and slice each quarter diagonally to go with the meal. It takes but two minutes more, max.